Sunday night at the end of March,
Last night, the clock changed. And while I'm writing this, it's still light outside. Lovely. Slowly the sun disappears behind the hills in the distance. Evening is falling, but just a bit later than we were used to the last few months. We're going in the right direction again. Personally I find the first three months of the year a bit difficult. Just give me spring, summer and -forward then- autumn. Winter is not my invention...
But what a totally different beginning of spring than normal. There's a veil over it anyway. It's just a little less beautiful than in previous years. What misery and sadness for many people here in Italy and also in the rest of the world.
We hoped for a long time that it would be more or less over by now. That it would be - albeit terribly - short and intense, this virus and its impact. But we now see that it's not over yet.
Last winter we worked very hard on our agriturismo. Three new bathrooms, new walls, new exterior lighting, real shutters on the first floor, the yard is equipped with fresh gravel, 100 of the 500 olive trees have been pruned again for years, all the blackberries have been mowed away and much more. We are actually ready to receive our guests with pride... how strange this is.
We really hope that from June everything will start running again, but that's hope. We just don't know it yet. Everything is based on assumptions. But we have to, will and will wait for the new developments and accept, respect and implement the policies that the government will form. We have been able to move the holidays booked for the spring well. We are happy about that and we are really doing our best. Despite this situation of force majeure, we would like to be creative and flexible.
Warm are the contacts with our neighbors and friends, we don't see them now, but we are regularly called with the question how it goes, we also like to call ourselves. For example to Vasco, our old contractor. How good it is to hear that he is still healthy, just like his family. He has meant so much to us, we have come to love him and are a bit worried about him. He's old and vulnerable.
We keep the courage, have confidence and are grateful.
In the meantime it has slowly gotten dark, the wood fire is burning nicely again, tomorrow another day!